Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thoughts on "Pumping & Dumping"

Its very simple, a pump is complicated. Tubing, those tippy little bottles, that annoying sound, getting it all set up is a pain in the butt on a good day. If you are drinking and you have the wherewithall to set up your pump, then in my opinion, you are fine to actually breastfeed. If you are totally falling down drunk (and few moms can get to this point) then drink a bunch of water and go to bed. You can nurse in a few hours. If you are totally unable to take care of baby, then your partner can feed a bottle of whatever to baby in the middle of the night. I don't think there's ever really a time or place for pumping & dumping milk. I've been nursing for basically 8 straight years and haven't ever done it & don't plan on ever doing it.

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About Me

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I'm just a mom in the world. A crunchy Catholic mama of 6 trying to make sense of it all and stay positive. 5 boys here & 1 in heaven. One awesome man who I get to grow old with. I help new moms breastfeed. I`m happy. I don`t go to shows or dance clubs every night but I would if I could. Where`s the nanny? When I see her she`s SO fired! One of my boys is super sweet and sensitive, another one is a holy terror. I learn a ton from all of them daily. Like Nigella says, as any parent of small children knows,there comes a point in the day where you can`t go any further without a drink! I love cocktail hour. I`d like nothing more than to be with my family and some good friends surrounded by tropical plants drinking a margarita listening to the Eagles. I don`t care about trendy, I like that grungy 70`s vibe.